Where are we?

The biggest business of the world : BIG data

10 min readMar 23, 2022

From me, I present you bigdatas, the “gaz machine”. Be aware it’s my personnal vision of it. I have a feeling it’s more complex that this by five fold.

There is voluntary relation (links of interest )and involuntary links (loose relations of businesses). But the same base is seen everywhere, data is :

  • a thing to produce
  • a thing to collect
  • a thing to package
  • a thing to sell

We’ll see all the different steps of the industrial process.

A thing to produce

This part is actually the most obscure one.But for a better point of view, lets take the position of any leader of big data. You need to collect data, but what happens if the platform is dying or people are leaving your platform? How to keep people and have them produce data?

The trick is old as history, you simply let fight each others, and for any cause.People will gladly try their best to show they are right (ego bias), but there is a trick of the actual internet : everyone is a dog.

When people are “anons”, there is no consequences compared to real life. In real life, insulting or spraying defamation on someone can result in an email from an official entity and problems, law is law after all.The problem of internet today is…itself. People don’t have material limits to their talks. So arguments finish into an emotional hot debate, full of ego or different types of bias.

Data platforms are designed to have people argue to each other. You will see feeds that will trigger you or validate your own opinions, or forbid you to have enough time or space to have a structured debate. Forums were perfect for thoughtful discussions on the internet since the beginnings of the web, they were remplaced by instant-chat, that allow less reflexions and more distractions (which could be a symptoms of different generations of people). Twitter got 280 characters as a limit for a message. You must write others messages to give more details, but the intentional design is still there : twitter feeds from emotional reactions of people.

Emotional reactions can transform into the identities of the people, people “take a side”. That’s exactly what wants data platforms, to keep you angry, frustrated, excited, curious,hate, sad and most of all shocked. And top of it, addicted to those. Twitter, youtube or any bigdata platforms are drug-dealer of entertainment.

Another thing, in biology of the brain, when people are emotional, they prefrontal brain is “shutdown”, you can’t think in a rational way. It is the animal brain that dominate the behaviors, and the prefrontal brain create a world of justifications. This behavior is called “congruence”, you always agree with your emotions.

In short, bigdatas stimulate a lot the creations of datas, with any means possible. They favor greatly strong emotions in priority for this reason.

A thing to collect

Collecting all this raw data is the most understood part, but there is different things to see :

  • chosen data (what you buy, like, share)

Those data are the classic “favorite channels” or “favorite food to buy”, it’s choices explicitly made from the person.

  • behavior data (how much you click, time you spend)

Theses data are very hidden, only reserved for bigdatas engineers. Asking this type of document is extremely hard and you need a lawyer. They will do everything in their power to keep it hidden. Most big websites share all the behaviors data through “deep cookies”, means during your browsing, they share data in real time to a server of collecting data. And there is often 5 or 6 of them each time.

A thing to package

All the raw info are packaged with algorithms and AIs. It’s a whole other type of industry.

Cambridge analytica is the best example : they found Facebook create “archetypes” of people. From the raw data you generated, the platforms will know your type of person you are : gamer, artist, geek, old, young, crater, engineer, etc, etc… Political, religious and now medical profiles, thanks to the covid app that share everything to them.

Like everyone knows an app is always leaking data back to the server, without you being aware of it.

Knowing medical information allow to make a very private profile of your health, the thing you think is very private, is not anymore. This person is diabetic, this person got growth problem etc…The question we should ask is : are all data equals? obviously no, some data, like medical data is very precious.

More a data is private, more it is precious. Precious can be in the ethic sense of it, but it can be in the financial sens of it, or both of it.

Giving an organ for receivers is private (duh) and precious. But you will never accept someone take it without asking you first, ethics doesn’t allow you to accept blindly. So why we accept more easily with data? because we don’t feel data is a part of us, but a by-product of us.

It’s true for “choosen data”, our choices doesn’t always define us. But it’s untrue for “behavioral data”. This type of data is a part of us, it is a signature of who we are.

So why accept others to take it without our full clear consent? Because it is hidden data and most of the people are not aware of this. They are not aware they are being stolen a part of their life.

Packaging data allow to justify the big data’s ponzis to continu.

The name given to this type of data is “Small data”, because easily readable by humans, compared to bigdatas.

A thing to sell

Obviously, nothing in life is done in vain.

All this small-data packaged are fantastic products for marketing branches of any business of the world. One of the most important point of marketing is knowing your “target audience”. The audience and their true needs.

And they know you more that you know yourself.They can know your past, present and have a clear idea of your future you.Knowledge is power.It means power over YOU, and your capacity of emotional thinking.

Thoses packages are sold for millions, they are highly customized for each demands of the businesses. The business consensus is completely based on a lie and everyone agreed on it : until people give their data, we will milk them to death.

But what about the free service that propose twitter, facebook or any others? The question actually contain the answer in it : those “free websites” are gigantic servers, with lot of employees, social charges, fees, taxes to pay up. They have to stay in constant growth to stay competitive too, it’s not enough to be big, you must get bigger. In the néo-liberalism of today, it makes sense to make more wealth and going bigger because of this choice.

The thing is survival, is survival of the fittest, not of the biggest. A dinosaur can have the monopoly for a while because of his size, but he can die because of his size. And biology and history was implacable observer of those thing.

We could say biology is not transportable into websites, and I agree it’s a rough parallel. But the growth aspect, the competitive aspect and the extinction aspect are surprisingly close. A “super-event” can wipe any form of “websites-life” and perhaps the little forms will only get out of the impact and the long winter. And it would be unexpected, since animals (or websites) don’t have time to adapt.

Makes the differences between : ponzi, business, infrastructure and belief

  • ponzis are void, a game of lies between people
  • businesses are clearly consented exchange of energy or/and experience with different forms of medium (product or services).
  • infrastructures are the ground of business, it’s fertile, passive and open to all
  • beliefs are the DNA of any human’s behavior

Reported on data platforms :

  • It is a ponzi in the sense everything is based on the original lie of “free data”. Anybody with common-sense, knows nothing is free in life.
  • Not consented, coercive, or legally-obscure businesses are into the category of ponzis. The “legally-obscure” is the most used and vicious one, and dissociate the legality and the reality.It is a weapon of intellect and elite to avoid responsibilities and consequences (They are always designed to avoid any justice calling into the contract). All bigdata use it, so they are no businesses in the sense of this definition. Either everyone “should” understand completely the legals, or either bigdata “should” be more simple on the legal, or “should” assume responsibilities. Obviously, it’s so much easier to let everyone confused and profits from it.
  • The infrastructure is a gigantic chaotic amalgam of private interest, there is probably 4 or 5 layers of infrastructures and types of businesses between your raw data and the “final client”.They are no infrastructures in the sense they are not open to the public, but mostly an amalgams of privates companies with the same interests. The only accepted infrastructure is the old IP protocol that still have design defaults (the root-problem that is the root-opportunity for bigdata).
  • Their belief is this : “people give us free money (data) everyday, why stop?” Imagine you find free money on the ground everyday by magic, why you will stop taking it?

Where are we?

The crypto-community at Elastos is actually in the eye of the cyclone now. The calm, the silence are appearances of reality. Everything feels like nothing is happening. All thoses cryptos projects, turning non-stop and going wild at incredible speeds. It’s logic 101. Don’t do a crypto-project? Then don’t expect the same activity of thoses ponzis. Why not add lambos and bitches to have a huge success into the crypto twitter with a 1M$ giveaway?

But let’s be clear again, Elastos is not a simplistic crypto/ponzi project, it’s the technical (and practical) web of fuc**** everything up

Look at the graph, without consumer fallacy (because you own your data), there is no problem anymore. You don’t resolve bigdata’s problems, you dissolve bigdatas into a technical solution. No datas, no bigdatas.

No datas, no bigdatas.

That’s how textboards were remplaced by forums, then by blogs, then by instant-chats, then by community apps. Technologies evolves and it can branch completly out of the classical directions. Some survive because of unique skills, others survives because of variety of skills. But during a violent event, 95% of them die, since the whole eco-system is inter-dependent.

Everyone knows if bees dissepear, humans will have serious problems, little animals are essentials to our own survival. It’s mostly the same, if datas dissepear, bigdata will have serious problems. Their whole eco-system will crumble from its base, and they could nothing about it.

Like the massive deaths of dinosors before, Elastos is the asteroid, one day it will crash into the “world wide web”, when we see a constructive neutral plateform for web3 dapps, it is the reaper of web2, what is highly constructive is by essence highly destructive.

And if your classic website survive in a miracle of the impact ,expect an extremely long winter that will surely get your obsolete website out of the way.

Some people could think it can take a while to “beat” bigdata and their monopolies, and I strongly disagree by the above logic. Bigdatas is already way too big, way too bureaucratic and way too slow to react fast enough of new directions (from experiences of people working there, it is already a shell of their glorious past, the experienced people leave and the knowledge is lost definitly). Like a dinosaurs, they will either be struck by the market-shift or die slowly of starving.

Too big to fail? More too big to stay alive

HTML/CSS homemade websites are a long forgotten thing of the past, they are fossiles, but they got the monopole in 1996. Centralised unprofitable “free” servers will join them in the grave of the bits, remplaced by a new explosing and diverse world of dapps and useful techs.Grassroots as a core-value will take a real sense for this new age of internet. Coding languages will die and others will be born from it too.

The day seems far as crypto-holder, but with my techie glasses, it is actually getting closer and closer each day passing. Are you ready to embrace for impact? Are you ready to be on of the first people to make a living from Digitcapsules and throw NFT in the garbage bin and never look again? Are you ready to welcome more and more devs and redo 1996 all over again?

Where are we?

We are getting out of the dark woods of the Divine Comedy, thanks to “our” Virgil. Time to enjoy the joke of life and walk along the way.The opensource way.All the others directions are going into global corruption, we actually don’t have a choice anymore.

Please look at the graph again.

We don’t have the luxury to wait for legals “wont” that will just be another legal wall and elites’ game. BTC is the middle finger to banks, Elastos will be the middle finger with the other hand, against bigdata and their corrupts-to-the-bone “friends”.Their social engineering loops allow to change opinions of millions of people, it’s a dangerous concept : the “factory of consent”. You think you rationally agree when it is actually a confirmation bias from your (manipulated) emotions.Very dangerous slippery slope

Time to get a firm hold of our sources of information, sanity and brain.

Data would not be a thing, but an essential part of ourselves.

The first two words of the official website, the beginnings of the web2’s end

Hello world

Thanks for reading

