Become a node of the new internet!

Super Beginner Guide to install an Elastos Carrier Node on PC.

4 min readNov 28, 2018


First rule : Be patient

Second rule : Be persistent

Third Rule : Take a lot of breaks !

It’s ok to search aimlessly and don’t find the solution, I am not a developer but I did it! You can do it too.

  • This manual for a set up on Linux ! Other versions of the SBG will come for Apple and Windows.
  • Take a morning or an evening for doing it with some comfort.
  • Have fun! Put music on!

Objective 1 (1 or 2hours) : You need to have Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS (It’s a Linux OS)

I consider you are already on a classic windows 7, but the process is almost the same for other windows.

If you have already windows (like 99 % of people), you need to install Ubuntu as a dual boot = ( you can choose at the start of the computer which OS you want)

You need a USB DRIVE of 2GB !!

You need ~10–20 % of free hard drive for installing Ubuntu !!

Follow the steps here of this good manual and take your time !


Forget about 6b.

Normally, you have installed Ubuntu, you logged on your account and ready to rock.

Objective 2 (“easy level”) : Open a console and use it

You can right click the background and « open a terminal » or click to the little black screen on the left bar.

For information, a terminal is the true representation of your session, if you have a picture/video/document on your desktop, you can found the thing through the terminal, ok ? But it’s written, not shown as icons !

At a start, you can see a green text with « blablabla@yoursession-xxxxxx etc… », it’s your active session. I call it the « start point ».

You need to learn the very basic of command

ls => show you the documents as a list ( in the directory you are )

exemple : ls MyDocuments + « Enter »

“cd name => permit you to move through a named directory

exemple : cd MyDocuments + « Enter »

There is special case of cd to know too :

If you type only « cd », you return to your start point immediately.

If you type « cd .. », you go up to a mother directory, ok ? (It’ cd+space+.+.)

You can create a new directory too !

“mkdir name=> you make a new directory with a name you give

And a nice trick, type the first letters of a file like “My” and push “Tab”, (the key with the double arrows),the terminal will find “MyDocuments”, it’s a nice search tool to use ! And you don’t need to type all the thing again and again!

For example, you can type

cd My+tab (entering “MyDocuments),


ls My+tab(watching the files into the “MyDocuments” directory)

Try to catch this 4 basic commands before taking the next step, it is essential to grasp that and use it with ease !

Objective 3 (“hard level”) : Create your own Carrier node

Follow the steps on the link below :

GitHub is scary for non developers people,it’s ok ! Just scroll down and go to “Ubuntu 2. Install Pre-Requirements”

You just need to copy/paste the lines on citation, it’s code, you don’t take the $ sign.

For copy/paste on the terminal it’s CTRL+C (copy) but it’s CTRL+SHIFT+V (paste on terminal)

Each time, you put only one line and wait.

But there is how I did it ( not the best way but it works so far )

Forget about « cmake » go directly to « make « ( we are not interested to custom making!)

For the « Run Elashell or Elatests » at the end, they asked to « first extract…

  1. go OUT of the terminal, find your compressed directory ,left bar, documents icon and go to

Personnal Directory/Elastos.NET.Carrier.Native.SDK/build/linux

3.Decompress the directory

« elastos-carrier-5.1.71e4c1-linux-x86_64-Release.tar.gz» manually. ( right click on the directory, decompress)

After this, go to the terminal again, with the command « cd », go into the new directory you decompressed,and go into « bin » directory

You need to have this :



cd Personnal Directory/Elastos.NET.Carrier.Native.SDK/build/linux/bin

( on your terminal)

Ans that’s it ! You did it !

The fun part now ;), You can type :


  • connecting a carrier node

There is a lot of commands to play with ! Go to the link and read for info

After connecting your node, you can check on the Elastos Peer Network

Your « dot » on the world map is where your ISP ( Internet Service Provider) is located.

Welcome to the network of the Modern Internet as one of the first nodes !


running a test program

Works for 5–10 min and the test « kill » itself ( the test is finished )

We can see live the nodes talking to themselves, and when a node « die », your personnal node search other ways.

There is a 1Mb of information send at the end of the test !! It’s data moving through the network !!

