Super-Beginner Guide 2: How to Install Feeds Source on Raspberry?

6 min readApr 23, 2021


It is time that you participate in the first “Trusted Micro-blog messaging” too.

This guide will help you in an easy step by step, allowing you to post on Feeds, and why not create incredible content ;)?

I use Elastos Essentials for making a Decentralised Identifier (DID), you can install it here :

By me, painted on 24th May 2014, BTC was at 523$!

Installation on Raspberry

What is a Raspberry?

Make your choice wisely! One of them is a bit crunchy under the teeth.

A Raspberry is a computer. Input/output, processor, memory, undeletable memory, and “cables” (it’s an electronic circuit here).

The idea to install Feeds on this “mini-server” is because of its size, it is very practical and you can keep it in a pocket. Perfect for people like me that put every little thing in their pockets!

The idea is not “do not”, but “can not”. They can’t physically access your data. Does everyone know Ledger as a famous cold wallet solution? Well, A feed account on raspberry is a bit like that in principle: physical separation of information.

Your own personnal computer = personnal cloud computer = PC2.

Let’s see how I do my setup, and how easy it is :

You need to buy :

  • 1) A Raspberry PI-3 model B. Model A (that I have) got only 1 USB port, which is really uncomfortable. I propose to you to invest a bit more since it’s a very useful little computer.
  • 2) A standard SD card that will be your “hard drive”, I took one of 16G, if you like to do videos, you could take a bigger card in memory.
  • 3) An adaptor SD/USB
  • 4)A cable of alimentation micro-USB 5V 2,5A with a switch.
  • 5) You can buy a case for protecting your card, there is a lot of choices on Amazon or official websites(or make your own box!)

Step Zero: DID

Install Feed Dapp.

Install Essentials,and publish your profile (Identity > Publish). Wait until the DID is published.

Be aware you can only link 1 DID to 1 Feed source and you can’t go back and change your link/name about it. It’s a definitive setting, so don’t loose the seeds words of your Essentials Identity.

This is not a Raspberry.

First Step: Installing the OS

Right now, you have the computer but not the OS associated with it. So we will install it, it’s very simple.

Plug your SD card into the SD/USB adaptor, and connect it to your own computer.

Download this “imager”, and open it

Open the Imager,

Click on “Choose OS” and choose the top one “Raspberry Pi OS”, accept to install it on your USB too. Your computer could ask you to delete contents on your USB, accept. It will make an “image” (copy) on your SD Card.

Then you can brew yourself a coffee or a tea, and return back in 10minutes.

Second Step: Logging In

Put the SD card on the back of the Raspberry.

Plug a screen into your Raspberry depending on what it is. For the A version, it is HDMI, for the B version, it is micro-HDMI.

Plug the power, plug mouse and keyboard, and then start up by clicking the switch of the alimentation.

Wait until they ask Country and language, don’t skip it or you will have not the good setting of the keyboard. Choose a password.

The Raspberry asks for your internet connection login, connect to your network, we will need it later.

Normally you are into your session.

For big screens, left-click, settings, and search on the top menu on the right “resize for the big screen” and valid.

Third Step: Download Feeds

Connect to the internet browser,

Type directly into the internet address bar this :

Look at the right on the page on “Releases”, there is the last version updated of Feeds Service, click and look at the last version.

Download “feedsd_1.5.1_armhf_raspbian.deb”

The internet browser will ask you to “accept the download?”, answer yes.

Your file is in the “download” repertory, you can access it by going into the top menu and searching for it.

Drag the file into Desktop, and rename it simply “feeds.deb”.

Fourth Step: Install the package

On the top bar, there is a black square, which is the “console”. Open it.

First let's position ourselves on the Desktop :

cd Desktop + enter

Then type :

sudo dpkg -i feeds.deb + enter

If it does not work, verify the past steps or the writing of the command (it can happen to make a typo mistake very fast!)

Then Feeds will ask you to accept or refuse conditions, press “Y+enter” for accepting.

Done! Your PC2 on Feeds is online!

You can verify the state of your node by typing :

sudo systemctl status feedsd

note for later, if something happens and you need to restart your node (in general after an update of Feed capsule) :

sudo systemctl stop feedsd

sudo systemctl start feedsd

Fifth Step: Connecting the App Feed to the source

Then open a webpage and type :


It will show you a QR code, this QR code is the link between any device and the source on the raspberry.

Open your Feed App, sign “+”, choose and accept the QR scan, and scan this QR code.

Continue to accept, make a “Channel Profile”, and re-edit your DID for a “Credential” with elastOS (you are guided to it).

It can take some time to re-edit your DID, so you can take care of some chores or doing that call to grandma.

Then valid everything (double green cross validation logo) and you are good to go!

If one day you want to access the data on Feeds (or delete it), it is on your Raspberry here :


Then it’s finished! You can begin to post photos/videos etc. You can switch on/off the button on the alimentation for “shutting down” your Feeds account, just let the alimentation on if you want to post.

You can access your QR code into your “Publisher Account” right slide menu, so you can post from another phone if you would like. I advise you to do a screenshot of it and secure it somewhere.

Don’t forget to follow people you like, because it is as default “black-listed”.

Voila! Is it hard? Not really, it cost a maximum of 30$, but it allows you to control your data. With 2$/day in “data-cost” on centralized platforms in general, in only 15 days you are actually “profiting” from owning your own data.

And as a bonus, you have a featherweight computer that can be useful in travel. Enough powerful for creating art,writings or just reading.

Enjoy ;)!

San Giorgio Maggiore at Dusk, 1908 by Claude Monet

